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Performance Characteristics And Selection Guide Of Steel Drum Sealer Gaskets

1. Standard seal washer series

In the concept of the Tri-Sure sealing system, rubber gaskets play a very important role in ensuring its well-known reliability. Tri-Sure gaskets are made of special formulas, with such characteristics, they can almost meet all packaging requirements. The following gasket types are the standard gasket series.

1.1 White "S" type barrel plug and flange gasket

Performance Characteristics And Selection Guide Of Steel Drum Sealer Gaskets

The off-white "S" type gasket made of specially formulated EPDM rubber (EPDM) has developed into a general-purpose gasket with good physical properties and excellent chemical properties. Generally speaking, this gasket is recommended for use with medical grade products, food, polar solvents (including most chlorinated hydrocarbons), and products that are highly sensitive to quality discoloration.

1.2 Black nitrile barrel plug and flange gasket

Performance Characteristics And Selection Guide Of Steel Drum Sealer Gaskets

Black nitrile rubber gaskets have excellent performance characteristics, especially physical properties. This gasket can be used in combination with a large number of filling products. Generally, black nitrile gaskets can be used with petroleum products and non-polar aliphatic solvents.

1.3 "4S" flange gasket system

The recently developed and patented 4s flange gasket system is composed of the "S" type EPDM gasket as the bottom gasket and the black nitrile gasket as the upper gasket. These two components are actually complementary, so the gasket system can As a general-purpose flange gasket, it combines the excellent chemical resistance of the above-mentioned off-white "S" type EPDM with the excellent physical properties of black nitrile. For drums that need to meet the strict physical performance requirements of the United Nations, the Tri-Sure 4s flange gasket system is recommended.

1.4 Polyethylene barrel plug gasket

If the standard gaskets mentioned in 1.1 and 1.2 are not compatible with the product to be packaged, polyethylene gaskets must be used. It should be remembered that due to the nature of the material (thermoplasticity), these gaskets are susceptible to cold flow and stress cracking, So it is not suitable as a sealing material.

2. Non-standard washers

If the standard gaskets mentioned in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are not suitable for use with a specific product, please contact your local Tri-Sure closure sales organization for an alternative solution.

Short comments: The compatibility of each gasket must be checked by the user, not only in laboratory tests but also in combination with real Tri-Sure closure components under actual conditions.

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